Cut the kaiser roll in half horizontally.
Spread 1/2 tablespoon of butter on each cut side.
Heat a 10-inch skillet or nonstick frying pan over medium heat.
Toast the roll, cut side down, until lightly browned. Set aside.
Make three small cuts around the edge of each pork roll slice.
Melt the remaining butter in the skillet.
Cook the pork roll, pressing with a spatula occasionally to keep it flat. Flip a few times until both sides are lightly browned.
Drain the pork roll on paper towels.
Crack the eggs into a small bowl, add salt and pepper, and beat with a fork until well mixed.
Pour the eggs into the skillet.
Cook the eggs, pulling the edges toward the center and swirling the pan to let the uncooked eggs spread to the bottom.
When the eggs are almost cooked, place the cheese slices on top and let them melt a bit.
Put the pork roll on the bottom half of the roll.
Add the cheese-covered eggs on top of the pork roll.
Cover with the top half of the roll.
Wrap the sandwich in deli paper, parchment, or wax paper, then wrap it in foil.
Let the sandwich sit for five minutes before cutting it in half.
Serve with optional ketchup and hot sauce.