These Marshmallow Carrots are not the ones that Peter Rabbit was munching on in Mr. McGregor’s garden, but I think you will like them. You start with homemade marshmallow, cut out some carrots with a cookie cutter, add some orange sanding sugar, add some licorice greens, and you have a marshmallow carrot similar to a peep! It would have been fun if these had been growing in Mr. McGregor’s garden!
Mr. McGregors Marshmallow Carrots
2 1/2 tablespoons unflavored Gelatin
1/2 cup Cold Water
1 1/2 cups Granulated Sugar
1 cup Light Corn Syrup
pinch ofย Salt
1/2 cup cold Water
2 tablespoons Vanilla
Orange Decorating Food Color
Powdered Sugar
Carrot Cookie Cutter
Orange Sanding Sugar
Green Licorice Twists
Put your unflavored gelatin and your cold water in a bowl.
Use a bowl that can be used with a whisk mixer blade.
Let stand for 30 minutes.
Mix your sugar, corn syrup, salt, and a 1/2 cup of water
in a saucepan. Place the pan over low heat and stir
until your sugar is dissolved.ย
As your sugar is dissolving, it gets on the side of your pan.
To fix that issue, get a small brush and a small cup of water.
While the pan is hot, dip the brush in the water and then
ย sweep it side to side, around the pan, constantly gettingย
more water on the brush.The sugar that is stuck on the pan will
ย melt back in to the pan. Do this until all of the sugar on the
ย pan is off. Failure to do this could make your marshmallows grainy.
Turn the heat to high. Cook the syrup mix until the temperature
reaches 244 degrees. Use a candy thermometer to gauge the temperature.
When it is at 244 degrees, take the pan off of the heat.
With your mixer on low, slowly pour the syrup into the gelatin.
ย Once it is all in, turn the speed up to high, and beat until the syrup is very thick and white, and has almost tripled in size. This should take about 15 minutes.
Add your vanilla and orange coloring. Mix well.
Dust an 8×16 pan with confectioners sugar.
Pour the marshmallow mix into the pan. Dust the top of the marshmallow mix with confectioners sugar. Let your pan sit out, uncovered, over night.
The next day, loosen the marshmallow from the pan. Set up a work place with a cup of water, a small, clean ย paint brush and the orange sanding sugar poured out on a plate.
Cut the carrots out of the marshmallow. Don’t cut out any leaves because we will add those later with the licorice.
Sparingly brush water onto the tops of your marshmallow.
Place the marshmallow wet side down into the sugar.
Do the same thing to the sides of the marshmallow, and then the other side. Let the marshmallow dry uncovered for about 8 hours or overnight.
If the next day your marshmallow has a few bald spots,
don’t worry!
Just dab a little water where you need the sugar to stick, and sprinkle some on the spot. It will cover perfectly.
Using green licorice ( I got mine from the rainbow pack), cut the pieces about 3 inches long.
ย Cut that piece into 3 long pieces.
ย Pinch the pieces together at the bottom.
They look like carrot tops!
Pock a hole in the top of your carrot with a toothpick. Stick the licorice in. The marshmallow will hold it in place.
There’s your marshmallow carrot! Thanks for joining me today! I hope you enjoy this recipe, and send me a comment ย if you have any questions! You might enjoy these recipes:
Easter Egg Carrot Cake
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