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Southwestern Salsa /#SundaySupper

We are talking about saving the summer harvest with different types of  home canning today for #SundaySupper. Do you can?  Have you water bath canned? This was my third time canning, and I have to tell you that canning is satisfying, rewarding and fun. I made a Southwestern Salsa, and I love knowing that I now have some jars of my favorite appetizer in the fridge ready and waiting for me.

Southwestern Salsa
(makes 2 pints)
2 pounds Roma Tomatoes 
3.25 ounces of White Onion
1 clove Garlic
3/4 of an Anaheim Pepper
10-15 Cilantro Leaves
sprinkle of Salt
sprinkle of Cumin
3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
splash of Lemon Juice
Canning equipment

Chop your tomatoes and onion into small pieces. Place them in a bowl together. Use a garlic press, and add the garlic. Chop your pepper into small pieces and add to the bowl. Add more of the pepper if you like your salsa hotter. This is a mild recipe.

Pick up your leaves, stack them together and roll them like a tiny cigar. Chop the “cigar” into very small pieces. Add to the bowl and mix together. Sprinkle your salt, and cumin, and add the apple cider vinegar and splash of lemon juice. Mix everything together. Put the mix into a medium size sauce pan, and place on the stove on medium high heat. Heat for 10 minutes. 

Boil water and place the lids and rings into the pot to boil and sterilize them for 10 minutes.

  Distribute the salsa between the jars leaving a 1/4″ from the top.

Place the lids and the rings onto the jars. Make sure that the seal from the rim of the lid lines itself up to the jar.

Set up the water bath by filling the pan with about 4″ of hot water. Place the jars in to the water on the rack. The water should be 1″-2″ above the jar lid. 

Boil for 20 minutes. Then turn off the heat, and remove the lid so  the pot can cool off.

Remove the jars from the pot. Let jars cool completely.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Sunday Supper Movement

Thank you to Stacy from Food Lust People Love for hosting such a fun theme!
Here’s what everyone else made today!







Preserving in oil or butter

And for even more help and support

Sunday Supper Movement

Join the #SundaySupper conversation on Twitter every Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7 p.m. ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat.

To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.

Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? Itโ€™s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

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Noah Baker

Hi! Iโ€™m Noah Baker

Noah Baker is a California-born food blogger behind "FreshmanCook," whose culinary journey began in his tiny apartment kitchen experimenting with recipes that blend innovative techniques and personal passion. After leaving his graphic design career, Noah transformed his love for cooking into a vibrant online platform that celebrates accessible, creative cuisine, capturing food lovers' attention with his stunning photography and approachable recipes. When he's not crafting mouthwatering dishes or styling food for his blog, Noah lives in a cozy apartment with his rescue dog, Basil.

More About Me

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