What can I say? Well, I can apologize! My excuse? My computer stinks!!! So I apologize for not finishing my commitment to you for the 14 days of Valentines Day posts. I am sorry! ๐ย ย ย My computer is finally fixed, and as I was about to start posting again, my life took a BIG! detour! My husband and I moved to Wilmington, NC!!! We are here now, and trying to find a place to live. Exciting!!!!I love this area, and we have lived here before, but we were a little farther to the north west. During all my down time from the computer problems, to the packing, to the driving, I have made some decisions about The Freshman Cook. I am revamping the format, and although the blog will, hopefully, be a good tool for learning to cook, the manner in which it is presented is being changed. I am going to give you a menu for one meal a week. It will consist of an appetizer, a soup or salad, a side dish, an entree, and a dessert. I will start the week on Sunday with a description of the menus, a list of what ingredients are needed, and a culinary word of the week. On Monday, I will present the appetizer recipe, on Tuesday, the soup or salad, on Wednesday, the side dish, on Thursday, the entree, and on Friday the dessert. By Friday, you will have the recipes for an entire meal at your disposal! Of course, you don’t have to make every dish I present throughout the week. You could skip the appetizer, or ignore the salad. It’s up to you! I was trying to find a little more organized way to teach the basics, have fun, and eat good food! Let me know what you think!!
We will be starting this new format on Sunday, May 1. See you then!
The Freshman Cook: A New Freshman Cook!
Planning to try this recipe? Save it for later on Pinterest! ๐